Shrii Venkatesha Suprabhaatam - 7,8

From the Bhakti List Archives

• September 20, 1998

iShatpraphullasarasiiruhanaarikelapuugadrumaadisumanoharapaalikaanaam |
aavaati mandamanilaH saha divyagandhaiH  sheShaadrishekharavibho tava
suprabhaatam || 7 ||

The breeze, carrying the wonderful fragrance of the partly opened lotuses
and the beautiful ears of the trees like the Areca and Coconu, is gently
blowing. Lord of Sheshaachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

unmiilya netrayugamuttamapa~njarasthaaH
paatraavashiShTakadaliiphalapaayasaani |
bhuktvaa saliilamatha keliishukaaH paThanti sheShaadrishekharavibho tava
suprabhaatam || 8 ||

The parrots, kept for pleasure in the foremost cages, opening their eyes,
are graciously singing, after eating the remains of the plantain fruits and
the paayasam in the vessels. Lord of Sheshaachala! May it be an auspicious
dawn to Thee.