Sadhana Path - I

From the Bhakti List Archives

• September 23, 1997


I am currently reading a book called 'Sadhana Path - Leading to Peace &
Bliss'. It is a compilation and explanation in English of shlokas from
Srimad Bhagvad Gita & inspiring lines from Shri Ram Charita Manas. 
It offers a practical guide to Sadhana.

I would like to share what I am reading with the members of the group. I
hope there is nothing in it to offend the SV sentiment. If so, I beg your
forgiveness in advance.



Sadhana Path

A question confronts us every now and then : Whatever our possessions and
powers, we have an inner feeling of a void, as if something is missing. 
What is that? We have three life-long urges inherent in us :

1. Sustenance of the body free from pain or disease; and enjoyment of
physical comforts (SUKH).
2. Maintenance of uninterrupted and unperturbed peace of mind (SHANTI).
3. Experiencing bliss within (ANAND).
If all our time and energy is devoted to the first, which is only one of
the urges, there is bound to be the feeling of void, as the other two, or
either of them, is missing - those two are more meaningful and significant
to human life.  

Physical comforts have no meaning and afford no pleasure during those
moments when the peace of mind is disturbed, e.g. by fear (BHAYA);
disappointment (NIRASA) or discontentment (ASANTOSHA).  Even sound physical
health and constant mental repose do not constitute fulness of life.  It is
not only imperfect but also dry in the absence of love (PREM) which is
another name of Anand.

It is marvellous and splendid that our creator has endowed each one of us
with three corresponding faculties for life:

1. Faculty of action (KRIYA SHAKTI) for acquiring physical comforts;
2. Faculty of reason and discrimination (VIVEK SHAKTI) for maintaining
peace of mind; and
3. Faculty of feelings (BHAV SHAKTI) for experiencing spiritual bliss.
Well lived are those days alone on which we appropriately utilise all the
three faculties (SADUPAYOG) for attaining and maintaining SUKH, SHANTI and
ANAND simultaneously, which means DIVINE LIFE.

It is wrong to neglect worldly duties on the excuse of spiritual life. 
Again, it is wrong to neglect spiritual life on the plea that worldly
engagements leave no time for it; nor should it be postponed to old age. In
fact practice (SADHANA) of divine life is most effective when we are

The first blunder we commit is to give top priority to physical comforts,
whereas greater emphasis aind significance is to be attached to mental
peace and spiritual bliss.  The second blunder is the misconception that
happiness lies in the same degree as plenty and prosperity.  We cannot
enjoy any physical comfort without money or things (VASTU), whereas no
money or thing is required for maintaining peace or experiencing bliss. 
The latter two are wholly independent (SWADHIN) of any material thing.  All
that is required is appropriate outlook and attitude of the mind.


Knowledge (GYAN)
Of all aspects and spheres of human knowledge the most fundamental is that
"I" am not the body.  Then 

· who am "I" ? 
· What in reality is the relation between the soul (JIVATMA) and the Lord
· between the soul and the world (JAGAT); 
· between the Lord and the world?  
· What is "I-ness" (AHAMTA) and "mine-ness"(MAMTA) 
· How desires (KAMANA) arise and their effect?  
· What is bondage?  
· What is salvation?  

This is introduction to GYAN YOGA.

Devotion (BHAKTI)
· What is the link between me and the Lord ? 
· What is surrender (SAMARPAN) unto the Lord ? 
· What is refuge (PRAPANNATA) in the Lord?  
· What is love (PREM) of the Lord?  

This is introduction to BHAKTI YOGA.

Action (KARMA)
· Can we renounce actions ?
· Is it necessary to renounce actions ? 
· What causes bondage ? 
· What is to	be renounced ? 
· What should be the object and purpose of actions ? 

This is introduction to KARMA YOGA.

The answers to these 'What-s' and 'Why-s' constitute the Science of Divine


· How to practice the science of divine life in the conduct of our personal
life and in our behaviour with feflow-beings ? 
· How to translate the science of divine life into our thoughts, actions
and words so that it becomes a part of our grain? 
· How to annihilate AHAMTA and MAMTA and thus achieve salvation from
· How should we live "in the world", without being "of the world" ? 
· How worldly life can be metamorphosed into divine by dedicating thoughts,
actions, words and belongings to the Lord? 
· How to fix our mind and "heart" incessant in the Lord and get soaked in
divine love? 
· How to maintain mental repose without interruption or perturbation?  
· How to maintain our outlook in supreme love of the Lord's Feet?  
· How to maintain sound health?  
· How to perform our duties?  
· How to be and remain really great?  

The answers to all these "how-s" constitute the Technology of Divine Life.

to be continued 