MahAnArAyaNOpanishat by Dr.NSA Manthra - 8 and 9

From the Bhakti List Archives

• November 16, 1999

		MahAnArAyaNOpanishat - manthra - 8 and 9

	sarvE nimEshA jag~nirE vidyutha: purushAdadhi
	kalA muhUrthA: kAshTAshchAhOrAthrAshcha sarvasha:      || 8 ||

	ardhamAsA mAsA rthava: samvathsarashcha kalpanthAm
	sa Apa: praduGhE uBhE imE antharikshamaTHO suva:        || 9 ||


>From that purusha of the golden hue, all nimEshA-s, the minute fractions of
time - (time taken for the winking of the eye) - all classifications of time
like kalA, muhUrtha, kAshTA, days, nights, fortnights, months, the seasons
and the year (that are formed of the nimEshA-s) were born.

He milked the waters. He created the two namely the 'anthariksha' and
'swarga lOka'.


'NimEshA' is the minutest fraction of time. Time taken for the winking of
the eyelid is so minute and the further classifications of time are formed
on the basis of the multiples of nimEshA. There is no other kind of
'pariNAma' (modification) in kalA.
18 nimEshA-s form one kAshTA. Other divisions are derived by further
multiplication. 13 kAshTA-s make one kalA. 30 kalA-s make one kshaNa. 12
kshaNa-s make one muhUrtha. And 30 muhUrtha-s make day and night. 15 days
and nights make one paksha. 2 paksha-s make one month. 2 months make one
season. 6 seasons make one year.
The verb kalpanthAm is used in the 'sruthi' and this signifies that the
nimishA-s alone are caused by Brahman and those nimishA-s yield other
divisions of time by multiplication.


Sri Ranganatha Divyamani Padukabhyam Namaha
