Re: question on creation

From the Bhakti List Archives

• May 2, 2002

SriRAma Jayam
SrimatE RAmAnujAya nama:

Dear varadan,
        Your second scenario is good. I thought acc. to upanisads the 
word karmA refers to the world/universe and not the birth/death 
cycle. Is it not so? In the book on vEdAnta sUtrA by badarayana(with 
commentary by baladeva),it says that during mahA praLaya(it doesn't 
say anything about the beginning,anyways I'll verify after some 
thorough reading)vEdAs merge into Him and remains in Him. When He 
desires,He creates the world and vEdAs in exactly the same way as it 
was before(what was the condition of past is not explained)! He then 
creates brahmA and teaches him vEdAs mentally(not orally) and He 
gives the duty to brahma to create the lower beings(jIvAs). As you 
said I feel strongly too that we would never understand His mind. Not 
that I'm pessimistic but I'm optimistic about His SUpreme qualities. 
By the time we try to figure out our time will come to an end! 

AzhwAr EmperumAnAr TiruvadigaLE saraNam
sarvam krSNArpaNam astu

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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