nAcciyAr tirumozhi VII - karuppUram nARumO 5

From the Bhakti List Archives

• March 11, 1999

      SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

             nAcciyAr tirumozhi VII - karuppUram nARumO
      pASuram 7.5 (seventh tirumozhi - pAsuram 5 unnODu uDanE)

A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise:

Oh pA~ncajanya! Countless number of other conches were born 
along with you in the same ocean; but nobody even gives 
as much as an independent name to them, or thinks about 
their svabhAvam as an independent entity.  You are the 
most blessed of all, because since long you have been 
having the parama bhAgyam of tasting  the vAi amudam of 
madhusUdanan, who is the Lord of all. 

unnODu uDanE oru kaDalil vAzhvArai
 innAr inaiyAr enRu eNNuvAr illai kAN
mannAgi ninRa madhuSudan vAi amudam
 pannALum uNginrAi pA~ncaSanniyamE!

B. Additional thoughts (from SrIman SaDagOpan):

godai tells pAncajanyam: " you have the bhAgyam of staying 
permanently in the left hand of bhagavAn and you have given 
Him the tirunAmam "iDangai Sa~ngam uDaiyAn". 

C. Additional thoughts (from SrI PVP ):

mannAgi ninRa: BhagavAn is the King of all kings; He is 
the brahmasvarUpi; He is the ISvarar and the father of all 
and the prajApati.

"rAjAdhi rAjas sarvEshAm vishNur brahmamayO mahAn |
ISvaram tam vijAnIma: sa pitA sa prajApati:  ||  
(bhAra - ASva 43-13)

madhusUdan - The Slayer of the asura by name madhu.  This 
is not to be just seen as a name for this reason, but it 
signifies bhagavAn's guNa of removing the obstacles of  His 
devotees always.

pannALum uNginRAi:  It is as if ANDAL is telling pA~ncajanyam - 
While it is ANDAL and the nAyaki-s of emperumAn who should be 
having His vAi amudam every day, instead the Sa~nkham is 
enjoying it every day, thereby depriving the anubhavam to His 
nAyaki-s and making it available to them only rarely.

pA~ncajanniyamE:  godai, who is the daughter of periyAzhvAr, 
is falling at the feet of pA~ncajanyan, born in the body of 
the aSuran - pa~ncajanan! The saying "birth in a higher 
lineage will bring greatness, and in a lower lineage will 
bring lowliness" has been falsified now. The Sa~nkham born 
from pa~ncajanan's body is having nityAnubhavam of emperumAn, 
and ANDAL is struggling to get pA~ncajanyan's attention.

sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.

Kalyani Krishnamachari