thiruvallikkENi - 8-E (periya thirumozhi)

From the Bhakti List Archives

• March 18, 1997

Fifth pAsuram on thiruvallikkENi from periya thirumozhi

inthuNaip padhumath thalarmagaL thanakkum
 inbannNaR puvidhanak kiRaivan,
thanthuNai yaayar paavainNap pinnai
 thanakkiRai maRRaiyOrk kellaam
vaNnthuNai, paNYcha paaNdavark kaagi
 vaayurai thoodhusen Riyangum
eNnthuNai, enNdhai thanNdhaitham maanaith
 thiruvallik kENikkaN dEnE.      2.3.5

inthuNai padhumaththu alarmagaL thanakkum inban -
The one who shows great affection to sridhEvi thAyAr who was born in a lotus flower,
(in thuNai = iniya thuNai =>a sweet companion, padhumam - lotus. This is from the samskrit padhmam; alar - flower, inban -  compassionate person)

naRpuvi thanakku iRaivan-
The One who is the husband of bhoomadhEvi,

(puvi - earth, iRaivan - Lord (Husband, here..)

than thuNai Ayar pAvai n^appinnai thanakku iRai-
The one who is the Lord of n^appinnai who believes Only on Him and has nobody else as support,

(thuNai - company (for support) )

maRRaiyOrkkellAm van thuNai-
The one who never leaves others and offers continuous support

(maRRaiyOr -  others, van thuNai - continuous support without leaving the person)

paNYcha pANdavarkkAgi vAyurai thoodhu senRu iyaN^gum-
The One who walked as a messenger for the pANdavAs and talked on behalf of them,

(thoodhan - messenger)
Sri prathivAdhi bhayaN^karam aNNaN^garAchAr swamy (PBA) says that the AzhwAr explains perumAL's parathvam in the first 3 phrases and in the next two he explains the sowlabhyam aspect of perumAL. He was accessible at ease by the pANdavAs for doing the job as a messenger for them. He is such a sulabhan!

enthuNai, en^dhai than^dhai thammAnai-
The one who is my support and who is the Lord of my kulam,

(en thuNai - my support)

thiruvallikkENi kaNdEnE
I had the great blessing of His dharshan at thiruvallikkENi.

sri rukmiNi sametha sri pArththasArathi swamy thiruvadigaLE charaNam
Vijay Triplicane