Padhuka Sahasram-422

From the Bhakti List Archives

• July 24, 2001


SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,

Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:

422. AmrEdithashruthigaNaIrninadhaIrmaNInA-
     mAmnAyavEdhyamanuBhAvamaBhanguram thE
     udhgAsythAm niyathamicChasi sAmagAnAm
     thAnapradhAnamiva shOuripadhAvani! thvam

Oh Paaduka! Your greatness can be gauged only by the Vedas. The Sama-
Veda singers are going to sing Your praise. When that is being done, 
You perhaps wish to supplement it by the sounds from Your gemstones 
rendering tana musical item to suit the Sama-swara.

Namo Narayana,

SriMuralidhara Dasan

Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):

SlOkam 422: 

1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! Scholars of Saama 
vEdham recite Your glories  elaborated by all of the other VedhAs. At 
that time , the melodious naadham arising from the movement of the 
gems adorning You appear like  UpagAnam ( accompanying music from the 
Lord's entourage) to the Saama  Vedhic music.

2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! The sacred naadhams 
arising during the occasion of Your Lord's travel with You appear 
like teaching lessons on Saama Vedham for the Vedic scholars . The 
inner meaning is that Swamy NammAzhwAr created ThiruvAimozhi for the 
benefit of those devotees of the Lord , who wished to sing His 

3) Swamy Desikan states that the blemishless  glories of the 
Paadhukais  are fully understood by the VedhAs( aamAnya vEdhyam 
abhanguram thE prabhAvam). Those glories seem to be recited as 
santhai by the Vedhams  for the benefit of the udhghAthAs of Saama 
vedham  to learn and recite in turn . Santhai or repetitive recital 
of Vedham or ThiruvAimozhi after a teacher is "aamrEditha Sruthi  ". 
The assembly of such naadhams is ` amrEditha sruthi gaNai: maNi
Ninadhanam ". That becomes the GhAnam for SaamagAs (Saama Vedhins). 

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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