Sri. Sadagopan

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 13, 2000

Dear members:

Sri. Sadagopan's recently posted translations of Sri venkatesha prapatti,
stotram and maNgaLam, alongwith his explanations and translations for
thiruppallANdu and nAlAyiyra thaniyangaL are very useful and revealing.

As a matter of fact, such acknowledgements are long overdue.  The soulabhyam
and proficiency with with Sri. Sadagopan has been translating both Sanskrit
as well as Tamil compositions into English during the last two years for the
bhakti and malolan lists is extremely awe-inspiring.

That SrivaishNavas in this part of the world have amongst them, a scholar
of Sri. Sadagopan's calibre is simply too good to be true.  And just as we
have the soubhAgyam to benefit from the riches of his knowledge, so we had
the durbhAgyam of not having him in our midst during the thiruvadhyayana
sEvai last December in NJ.

I personally have learnt several things just by "speed reading" through
Sri. Sadagopan's translations during the last year and half.  All I can
offer in return, is this message of gratitude.  May perumAL's anugraham
always be with Sri. Sadagopan and may we all continue to benefit from his
numerous writings.

-Srinath Chakravarty