Sri.Mani's service

From the Bhakti List Archives

• February 11, 1997

Dear friends,

I too would like to wholeheartedly express appreciation for Sri.Mani
Varadarajan's novel and hi-tech way of doing 'kainkaryam' to SriVaishnvaism
through his "bhakti-list".

It is a list that brings minds together from far and wide into a forum where
anybody, even "neophytes" (to use the term of one correspondent), can speak
his/her mind on our 'siddhantha' without fear or inhibition.

It is a forum for genuine and continuous "distance-learning" for all
lay-people who unfortunately do not have access to other traditional modes
of acquiring acquaintance with SriVaishnavism.

I cannot think of a more creative way in which the modern invention of the
"inter-net" could be put to use as Sri.Mani is doing to propagate and
nurture SriSampradayam, the truths of its ancient texts, the memory of its
great and past "achAryA-s" and the august presence of its present ones.

Thank you, Sri.Mani.
