Sri PVP vyakhyanam of Prathama Jitante stotram shlokam 14.conclusion

From the Bhakti List Archives

• December 13, 2002

          Sri PVP vyakhyanam of Prathama Jitante stotram shlokam 14.

	        	Srimate Ramanujaya Nama:
               Sri PeriyaVachchan Pillai tiruvadigaLE sharaNam 

              shrImat kriShNa samAhvAya namO yAmunasUnavE ;
            yatkaTAkShaika lakShyANAm sulabha: shrIdhara: sadA.

**14.     ityEvamanayA stutyA stutvA dEvam dinE dinE.
          kimkarO(a)smIti chAtmAnam dEvAyaivam nivEdayEt. **

Meaning::-- --iti Evam-- In this way. --anayA stutyA-- by way of this 
stotram. --dEvam-- the God. --dinE dinE-- everyday. --stutvA-- having 
prayed. --kimkara: asmi iti cha-- that I should be your server. --dEvAya-- 
To the master. --Evam-- thus. --nivEdayEt-- one should offer his soul (to 
the Lord). 

Introduction::-- (ityEvam etc) A person who has no understanding and 
thinking of what was described in the shlokams stated hitherto, should 
recite these shlokams  everyday and solicit for service to the Lord and 
offer his soul to the Lord.

VyAkhyAnam::-- "iti " and "Evam" indicate the characteristics of the words 
and the meanings respectively. By this is indicated the superiority of 
this Jitante from among other Jitante stotrams (there are in all, five 
Jitante stotrams).  

(anayA stutyA) As cited in "jitanta iti mantrENa" this was proclaimed as a 
mantram in other regions. In our region, it has been denoted as a stotram. 
What is the reason? Well, as in "mantAram trAyata iti mantra:" , it 
uplifts one who utters it as a mantra.  If the Lord who is a "stavya" and 
"stavapriya" (eulogisable and lover of eulogy), listens to it, His face 
will bloom with gladness and hence it is called stotram. 
(dEvam) As in "sAkShAd deva: purANO(a)sau" He is an eternal God.
(dinE dinE) For a person who has comprehended the spirit of these 
shlokams, some infrequent recitation may be adequate. For others, this 
stotram should be recited everyday. 

(kimkara: asmi etc) With a prayer that he would be a server and slave to 
the Lord, he will totally offer his soul at His feet. What is the purpose 
of such an action? If such a  stotram which has been recited by 
distinguished persons, is recited even by ordinary mortals (who are 
priding of their body as the soul), then the Lord will think of the latter 
as the former and equating them He will accept the latter too as He would 
the former. How come? A cow which has delivered a calf, can be first 
milked by keeping the real calf near her. Later, even if the real calf is 
taken away and a stuffed calf (thORkanRu) is placed by her side, she, 
still thinking  of her real calf, yields and streams milk even to the 
stuffed calf.  In  the same vein, undeserving people also get the grace of 
God by reciting these shlokams which were recited by great people. 

     The commentary of Jitante stotram written by Sri PVP is concluded.

            Periya vAchchan pillai  tiruvadigaLE sharaNam.


           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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