Re: manobodhaH - 28

From the Bhakti List Archives

• April 14, 1998

> From: 
>         "MS. SUDHA RANGRAJAN" 
>                                                                                     Mon 5:25
> Hi shree
> A quickie, have been reading a book called Tough Times Do Not Last 
> but Tough people do.
> In our life it is when problems are heaped upon us that we seem to
> think whether the lord is there to take care of us. 
> The verse in Manobodha 28 gives us this very assurance that the 
> Kodanda Rama will never forsake his devotees.
> In this book that i was talking abt there is this beautiful verse on
> Failure which i will reproduce here. The last line is worth noting and
> remembering all the time.
> Failure does not mean you are a failure ..........  it does mean you
> have not succeeded yet.
> Failure does not mean you have accomplished nothing ........... it does
> mean you have learned something.
> Failure does not mean you have been a fool ........... it does mean you
> had a lot of faith.
> Failure does not mean you have been does mean you
> were willing to try.
> Failure does not mean you don't have does mean you have to do
> something in a different way.
> Failure does not mena you are does mean you are not
> perfect.
> Failure does not mean you have wasted your does mean you
> have a reason to start afresh.
> Failure does not mean you shud give does mean you must try
> harder.
> Failure does not mean you will never make does mean it does
> mean it will take a little longer.
> Failure does not mean God has abandoned does mean God has a
> better idea!
> this brings to the idea that v have to have unshakeable faith in the
> i shall quote what giriji had written to me.
> "when sita mata was in the forest,with no phone facility or mail or
> fax and yet she survived on only one thing and that is "FAITH" in her
> lord and master that he will resscue her from is what kept
> her going."
> and here we are with all the facilities in the world at our disposal
> and yet not having that unshakeable and firm faith in the almighty!!
> so the above example is our ideal to follow!!develop steady and 
> unwavering FAITH in HIM!!
