Episodes - Sri Ramanuja

From the Bhakti List Archives

• April 28, 1996

During a visit to the nava thiruppathees around the
present day ThirunelvEli, Sri Ramanuja came across a
washerman (eerankolli).  The washerman fell at the feet
of Emperumaanaar and then presented his four sons, by
calling them out one by one, "satakOpaa," "kaaRi
maaRaa," "vaguLaabaraNaa," and "kurugoor nambi."
Tears rolled down his cheeks and Sri Ramanuja
remarked, "How unfortunate I am, wearing this 'kaavi';  if
I had remained in family life I could have named my
children with aazhvaar's sweet names and call them out
day in day out like this fortunate soul."

emperumaanaar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,  Dileepan